Create a platform for your business where you can attain growth, unique visibility while maintaining elegance; whether you want to promote your work, sell your product & services or you simply want to blog, Centervends will host you for free!

How to get started

Create an account

Sign up and Choose your preferred website solutions plan, Sign up and build a stunning, functional website. No coding or website building experience is required. Develop your cyber presence your way.

Adjust to your taste

Choose your desired template. Go from ideas to functional online business spaces with a customizable template. Add functionalities like online appointment bookings, e-commerce payment systems, blogging, and more. Power your website with mobile compatibility and SEO functionality.


Launch your stunning website into the public space with our dynamic web hosting service. Relax, let's do the dirty job for you, monitor your sales growth, and convert visitors to buyers seamlessly. Our marketplace promotes your business and position you strategically for more sales.

Bring your business online and access more.

Access more business opportunities online. Access over 1000 editable and customisable premium templates for any business category and other useful website-building tools.


Promote Your Goods And Services On Our Marketplace!

Our marketplace is more than just advertising your goods and services; we provide insightful marketing data. Other complementary marketing strategies and different tactics your business can leverage through our marketplace. Grow your audience with our combined efforts.

Visit Marketplace